Prayer for Sunday 22 May
The civil war in Syria has created numerous refugees. The influx of refugees has left the nation and most...
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Prayer for Sunday 15 May
The civil war in Syria has created numerous refugees. Australia has decided they will accept only 12,000 refugees, other...
Prayer for Sunday 8 May
We continue our prayer in May for Greece. In recent years Greece has had many economic problems which has...
Prayer for Sunday 1 May
In May we start praying for Greece. Although today Greece is a small struggling country, it was once a...
Prayer for Sunday 24 April
On the 25th of April Australia remembers the ANZACs and their sacrifice at Gallipoli in the first World War....
Prayer for Sunday 17 April
The introduction of Christianity in Armenian is accredited to the disciples of Jesus. Until the early fourth century Christians...
Prayer for Sunday 10 April
Nagorno-Karabakh is a region within the internationally recognised borders of Azerbaijan. Its population is mainly Armenian. Since 1988, the...
Prayer for Sunday 3 April
Lest we Forget! As Australia remembers the ANZACs in April, Armenians around the world remember the Genocide and commemorate...
Prayer for Sunday 27 March
On this Holy Day, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we pray for Israel and Palestine, for the...
Prayer for Sunday 20 March
We continue our prayer for Israel and Palestine. We also continue our journey with them, in their struggles for...