We continue our prayer for Sri Lanka and Iran. If you are interested in writing prayers let us know. There will soon be other prayers posted as well. Share these prayers with your friends. If you are not on the list, you can subscribe to our prayer list.
Prayer for Sri Lanka
Dear Lord who walked with the maim and disabled providing them with dignity and healing we ask you to look upon those who lost their limbs and made economically and socially marginalized after the war.
We pray that they will be given medical assistance to get prosthesis and encouragement to continue their life with courage even to find employment to provide for their families.
We thank you for all the people and organisations who have made a difference by providing even the simplest and most basic needs of these people. We pray for the government and other organizations like churches that due care, support and funding are made available for such helpless people.
Prayer for Iran
God of the glory, God of peace,
In Jesus Christ you revealed to us your Son and showed us your love for the world by providing salvation through him and reconciliation with you. You commissioned us to share your love with the world and be disciples of Jesus.
We thank you for your disciples in Iran and the overwhelming response to your love that we see in social media even in the midst of danger and religious persecution. We pray for your protection to all who find your love and share it with their families and friends.
Bless your church in Iran with the Holy Spirit and grant it a new vision and a new charity. Impart your wisdom for a fresh understanding so that the revival of the church’s brightness and the renewal of her unity become beacons of life and hope and the eternal message of your son may be hailed as the good news of the new age.