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Prayer for Sunday 3 January

Prayer for Sunday 3 January

In January we will pray for Sri Lanka and Iran. Because of the holiday season, this first week we only have one prayer for the two countries. Next week we will have the two separate prayers and some information about the counties.
If you are interested in writing prayers let us know. There will soon be other prayers posted as well. Share these prayers with your friends. If you are not on the list, you subscribe to our prayer list..


God of justice and peace,

You welcome all people into your kingdom of love as equals offering them the dignity and acceptance as human beings. You created us as equals in the beginning and called us to do justice to all people, but as human beings we have chosen the path of prejudice, enmity, hatred and revenge. We have failed in our duties to protect the minority communities and vulnerable people by treating ‘others’ as strangers even enemies and resolving to carry out planned acts of terror leading to crimes against humanity and even genocide. We especially pray today for the people in Sri Lanka, both Tamils and Singhalese, and the people in Iran, Muslims and Christians, Persians, Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians and others. Forgive our evil doings and corruption of squandering the wealth of the country and making the poor even poorer. Help us now as political leaders, who have the power to change, to be committed to bring about a lasting peace through justice and truth speaking there by bringing true reconciliation and harmony where all people, especially the minorities could live without fear and discrimination. May your love revealed through the babe of Bethlehem do it or us.