Further Details:
18 May, 2013
at the Centre for Ministry, 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta
From 9:30am to 4:00pm
Program of the day
9.30 Welcome
9.45 Introducing our theme
10.00 Keynote Speaker 1: Dean Drayton
10.30 Responses
10.45 Morning tea
11.15 Worksheet 1 – missional church and mission of God
12.00 Worksheet 2 – 5 marks of mission and Basis of Union/UCA commitments
12.45 LUNCH
1.30 Keynote Speaker 2: Amelia Koh Buttler
2.00 Responses
2.15 What are we hearing – theological, cross cultural and missional reflections
2.30 Worksheet 3 – Prophetic/Public church Or Worksheet 4 – pastoral/chaplaincy
3.15 Break
3.30 Gathering the Threads
4.00 Finish
Register here If you intend to attend, please RSVP hereRegistration Fee: $10 (Morning and afternoon tea provided) Lunch: Either bring your own Or: register by 11 May for Tamil restaurant food, additional cost $15 |
The language of a missional church has become very common in recent times. It is fast becoming an ‘organisational principle’ for many denominations concerned for their future. For a variety of reasons it is not always clear what is meant or what the implications might be. The term can become a cliché, a formula, an assumption. It’s time to do some homework!
The purpose of this one-day workshop is to explore how we are using the language of being a ‘missional church’. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Should it hold this privileged position in our conversations and how we think about our restructuring? Should it be used with more care and attract other models of being church and serving the reign of God in our time?
This one-day workshop will invite us to consider the following kinds of questions:
- How do we understand the term ‘missional church’?
- What is the relationship between a missional church and the mission of God?
- How helpful are the ecumenical five marks of mission?
- How does this missional language sit with other Uniting Church commitments to:
- being a multicultural church?
- being a church which is open to fresh insights and knowledge?
- being a moral and ethical community?
- being a worshipping community?
- How does being a missional church relate to the call to be a prophetic church?
- What is the place of pastoral care and ministry in a missional church?
- What is the role of chaplaincy in a missional church?
- How does a public church differ from a missional church?
This one-day workshop will explore these questions in a mix of styles.
We will
- Hear stories
- Hear a couple of keynote addresses
- Explore our responses to a couple of questionnaires in small groups.
- Hear a response to our discussions through a theological listener, a missional practitioner and a cross-cultural minitster