Levon was born in Beirut, Lebanon and is of Armenian origins. He studied engineering, marketing and management and IT. Before becoming a candidate and getting his M.Div. he worked in graphic design and publishing. His first placement was in a country parish on the border of Syria and Turkey. After moving to Australia Levon did further theological studies and got involved in cross-cultural ministry. Levon has worked with victims of domestic violence, especially children affected by DFV for over 25 years. In Australia, he has worked with refugees providing pastoral care, and was the domestic violence awareness project officer of the Social Justice Forum with Uniting NSW. Currently, he is the multicultural project officer for the South Moreton Presbytery in the Synod of Queensland and an active member of the Queensland Churches Together commission on DFV, the Joint Churches Domestic Violence Prevention Project (JCDVPP), where he assists in updating and presenting of the workshops.
- levon@ccgathering.org
- 0410404542